

Please be sure to read the following points before filling out the inquiry form.
Please feel free to contact us for any questions and/or concerns, as well as requests for interviews and appearances.

We will not be able to respond to the following types of inquiries;

  • Contact from anonymous user(s)
  • Personal comments
  • Messages to artists
  • Questions about the artist's schedule
  • Any other contact that we deem inappropriate.
    Please understand beforehand we may refuse to accept any spam or inquiry forms, which contain unsolicited material. Any spam or slander will also be rejected.

In addition to the above, , any email replied is not permitted to be reproduced or reused in any way without our consent.

Please be aware that we may take some time to respond to your inquiry depending on the content.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your name*

Company name/
Organization name

E-mail address*

Inquiry item*

Content of inquiry*